We switched it up this week and got a box of the Dragon Ball Super: Realm of the Gods, Yu-Gi-Oh Ghosts from the Past: 2nd Haunting and a special Arceus Box!
PokelaneYT wet ham and broke the whole Dragon Ball Realm of the Gods box, chasing that God Rare! Also, thanks for turning everyone onto Blind Melon! We love jammin to special requests while be break boxes!
Here are some of of PokeLaneYT's DBZ Hits:
SUPER RARE SSB Vegeta, Lost Kingdom; SPECIAL RARE SSG Trunks, Power Awakened; SUPER RARE SS Vegeta, Silent Strike!

While we didn't get a Ghost Rare from our boxes of Yu-Gi-Oh! Ghosts from the Past: 2nd Haunting, we still got some amazing looking cards! Still chasing those Ghost Rares with high hopes!

And last but not least, I broke into my Arceus V box and got this dope card:

Thanks again to everyone that came through to watch us open all the cool different boxes!
Stay tuned and see you all next week!
Peace, love and LUCK!